2022 November General Election

Tuesday, November 8, 2022 (All day)

In the November 2022 General Election, the City of Tomah will be utilizing electronic poll books called Badger Books. Please watch the short video to the right to learn more about Badger Books. 

What Badger Books can do: Badger Books will help voters get checked in and get their ballots more quickly. Voters are still required to present photo ID and state their name/address. Voters will sign the poll book electronically with their finger or a styllus. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What's the point, why change when people are comfortable with the way things are?

A: Badger Books will help in a lot of ways: Voters can go to any line and not worry about what ward or District they live in, fewer poll workers are needed, voters will be able to see participation on MyVote within a day or so, vs. waiting for clerks to hand key the poll book, and the elections are more accurate with less chance for human error, which is more important than ever in this time of voter uncertainty regarding election accuracy.

Q: What about security? Computers can be hacked, how can you ensure that the election will be safe?

A: Badger Books are not connected to the internet and never will be. They can speak to each other only on a closed loop Wifi network and the data is only transmitted by the City Clerk to the state at the end of the election via secure multi-factor authentication. 

Q: I don't feel comfortable signing my name electronically, can I just sign a paper book?

A: No, you may not sign the supplemental book. All voters are required to sign electronically (with or without assistance) in order to receive a ballot 

Q: What if the power goes out?

A: The Badger Books are plugged into electricity and there is also a generator and back up battery power to keep the election running. If power went out for a significant time, we would revert back to paper books that we have printed in case of such an emergency.

If you ever have more questions, please do not hesitate to email your city clerk at rweyer@tomahwi.gov 


Please click on the links below for November 2022 election notices and 2022 November City of Tomah Election Night results.